
Simply The Best

Yesterday we celebrated the ultimate hallmark holiday,
Mother's Day.
Before days with our tiny, I couldn't understand why my own mother loved this day so much.
But now I get it. 
Motherhood is the hardest, most rewarding job I have ever had,
 and every mother no matter their situation, deserves to be recognized. 
Motherhood keeps you on your toes. 
It's not for wimps!
It is a never ending journey that is full of twists and turns,
leaving you to find your way,
 and decide which roads you will take to raise your children to be the best they can be. 
That is why as I sat at the dinner table last night watching a 3 year old boy lick ice cream off the table and the other crawling underneath,
I simply laughed.
 I never judged.
(I admit I used to judge)
Because motherhood is hard.
It requires every ounce of your attention,
and some days are just simply better than others.
Luckily for me, 
yesterday was one of the better...
or possibly the best!

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